Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Well, i've just returned from a family trip and got the chance to finally go on a official 'holiday' after about 8years.. Really havent been travelling much and i do regret walking into the casino to only empty my wallet. Sigh. Oh and i met a fellow poker player as well at the caribbean stud table, wasnt sure if it was him till i saw him shuffling his chips. Lol. I asked him what he was doing there since I knew he was making good money playing poker, and he pointed to the sign that showed someone winning 118k from the royal flush jackpot, and smiled gleefully at me saying, "Im responsible for making the jackpot only 26k now." Dammit, he's so sick. Imagine, in your early twenties, having 188k on hand, im quite sure it'll change your life. Well, so the moral of the story boys and girls, do NOT play caribbean stud or any other game in the casino for fun or you'll end up like me, BROKE.

Alright, so from the both of us, take care and all the best in this new year!

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